ILAE Gateway to Innovative Projects
The ILAE Gateway to Innovative Projects features ongoing projects in epilepsy care, research, advocacy, and more that aim to bridge treatment and inclusion gaps worldwide. The database allows professionals and scientists to submit details about their projects to encourage collaboration, engage possible funders, and help the global epilepsy community identify opportunities for advancement.
Identify predictors of outcome after ASM withdrawal after epilepsy surgery in adults across different populations. Validate a prognostic model to predict seizure relapse after ASM withdrawal after epilepsy surgery in adults.…
This is an annual camp held in the town of Leh, India, with a view to reducing the treatment gap for epilepsy, and providing diagnostic services.…
This text is unique in that it provides foundation skills to support safe practice for clinicians with access to, but no formal training in, paediatric electroencephalography.…
The project has already established two epilepsy surgery programs. Neurologists and neurosurgeons have trained abroad.…
Neurologists and epileptologists from anywhere in the world can enter data using a standardised form about all patients they learn about who have died as a result of SUDEP.…
Patients are diagnosed and started on AEDs and counselled about epilepsy. They are also provided at least one month of free AEDs to get started.…
We will examine the long term effects of listening to the K448 sonata on seizure frequency and cognitive functioning in children with drug resistant epilepsy allocated to either a study group or a control group.…
The degree of severity of the epilepsy burden is unknown to the Georgian health care system. Collecting data on the severity of the disease, investigating the causes, and treating it will greatly help to identify problems in epilepsy management, planning the cost-effective methods, and increase the wellbeing of patients with epilepsy.…
Over the past 10 years, multifaceted and wide-ranging actions have been taken to address the problem of epilepsy in Georgia, and attitudes towards epilepsy are expected to change. Evaluating the impact of these interventions on changing the degree of epilepsy stigma and determining further measures to combat stigma is impossible without determining the current level of stigma, which requires appropriate study with valid tools in different groups of society.…
Short descriptor here…