ILAE Gateway to Innovative Projects

The ILAE Gateway to Innovative Projects features ongoing projects in epilepsy care, research, advocacy, and more that aim to bridge treatment and inclusion gaps worldwide. The database allows professionals and scientists to submit details about their projects to encourage collaboration, engage possible funders, and help the global epilepsy community identify opportunities for advancement.

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Providing a means to get seizure medications to Ukrainians and other war refugees.…

The International SCN8A Alliance is working with a team from around the world to develop the first ever global diagnosis and treatment guidelines for SCN8A.…

Training programs toward nurses, community health workers and GPs working in the rural communities of the Chaco region, Bolivia, as well as awareness campaigns, represented the main aims of this latter project, that is almost completed.…

There is a need to expand the use of qEEG beyond classical measures, particularly in epilepsy.…

Ambulatory electroencephalography (AEEG) monitoring allows prolonged (EEG) recordings in patients' homes…

GEMSTONE will advance ACU's scientific research and innovative capacity in strategic areas of gene engineering technologies and neuroscience with focus on the neurodevelopmental aspects of brain disorders, such as Parkinson's disease and epilepsy.…

ICTAL Registry is a multicentre open cohort of critically ill patients with convulsive, non-convulsive or psychogenic non-epileptic status epilepticus.…

The main goal is to improve the ability of neurologists in underserved regions to diagnose and treat patients with epilepsy by creating a collaborative Center to Center Program between an expert center (University of Montreal Health Center) and a center in an underserved region (Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Trinidad and Tobago) that wants to develop capacity to treat epilepsy.…

ABV will train a cadre of investigators from the six major cities of northern Nigeria, who long- term will form the first major child neurology and epilepsy research collaborative in Africa.…

We will conduct the first cluster-randomized clinical trial (cRCT), at sixty sites in three major cities in northern Nigeria, to determine the efficacy, implementation, and cost-effectiveness of a novel intervention shifting childhood epilepsy care to epilepsy-trained community health extension workers in an effort to close the epilepsy treatment gap.…