Identify predictors of outcome after ASM withdrawal after epilepsy surgery in adults across different populations. Validate a prognostic model to predict seizure relapse after ASM withdrawal after epilepsy surgery in adults.
Start date: 25 September 2017 | Proposed end date: 23 June 2023
Regions: Africa, Asia & Oceania, Eastern Mediterranean, Europe, Latin America, North America
Languages: English, Spanish, German
Lead institution: UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
Location: London (UK), Cleveland (USA), Oxford (UK), Melbourne (Australia), Wales (UK), Lisbon (Portugal), Cape Town (South Africa), Shenzhen (China), Bogota (Colombia)
Accepting centers from around the world
Principal investigator / organizer: Marian Galovic MD
Patient age: Adult
Type of project: Clinical, Research
Funding sources: No other funding
Project needs: Cohorts of adults with epilepsy surgery
Contact: Marian Galovic, UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, Zurich University Hospital