There is a great need to develop skills in electroencephalography in low middle income countries. Access to this tool is limited in Africa and must be used appropriately, inclusive of insight into when to request a study and how to respond to the findings. This data must be put in the context of the clinical presentation of the child. This text is unique in that it provides foundation skills to support safe practice for clinicians with access to, but no formal training in, paediatric electroencephalography. Whilst the text does not intend to provide a neurophysiology specialist level of knowledge, it does enable the practitioner to develop firm foundations which would facilitate further training in the area inclusive of increasingly complex international courses.
Start date: 1 January 2016
Region: Africa
Language: English
Lead institution: Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Principal investigator / organizer: Veena Kander
Patient age: Pediatric
Type of project: Healthcare professional education
Funding sources: Personal
Project needs: Funding
Related publications (PMID): 25711247
Contact: Veena Kander, Neurophysiologist, University of Cape Town