Seizure Assistant

Seizure Assistant is a mobile app health management and experience sharing platform which allows epileptics help in times of need. This help can be requested for either by button push or auto seizure detection using a synchronized smart device. The application then calls for help by sending a preset SOS message to a set emergency contact, alerting them that the patient has just had a seizure, including the patient’s location for easier tracking. In addition, the patient’s phone will play an SOS sound to gain the attention of the people around while displaying the first aid instruction the patient needs. Many more features are included to allow it not only help patients interact, find counsellors etc; but it also allows non patients to learn about epilepsy to reduce stigma and the myths around the condition.

Start date: 6 July 2017
Region: Africa
Language: English
Location: Lusaka, Zambia
Principal investigator / organizer: Bright M Bwalya
Patient age: All ages
Type of project: Clinical, Community education, Research, Advocacy, Stigma, Mental health, Healthcare professional education, First aid care
Funding source: Personal
Project needs: Equipment, Funding, Exposure for people to start using the application all over the world once developed
Related publications: Knowledge is power: Increasing epilepsy awareness in Zambia, “You don’t look like the kind”

Contact: Bright M Bwalya, Epilepsy Alliance Africa