Neurotech Gives – Tanzania

Our goal is to enhance the care of persons living with epilepsy in Tanzania by improving access to care and appropriate testing. Our first steps have been to work with local partners to train technologists in the performance of EEGs. To that end we have provided equipment and training. We have weekly remote training sessions and are now conducting annual EEG and Epilepsy Workshops at Muhimbili National Hospital.

Start date: 1 April 2027 
Region: Africa
Languages: English and Swahili
Lead institution: Muhimbili National Hospital
Location: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Principal investigators / organizers: Dr. Michelle Dougherty and Dr. Edward Kija
Patient age: All ages
Type of project: Clinical, Healthcare professional education
Funding sources: Corporate
Project needs: Volunteers, Equipment, Funding, Medication

Contact: Michelle Dougherty