Epilepsy Web For Kids

Epilepsyweb4kids.ca is a kids website for ages 6 through 17 to explain and talk about epilepsy in kids’ and youth language. The website had a soft launch on 26 March 26 2022 and is currently a repository of videos and interactive resources about epilepsy from around the world. It will grow into an interactive and engaging website for kids who are impacted by epilepsy to include a kids’ club and a safe, interactive online space, planned for the summer of 2023.

Start date: 26 March 2022 | Proposed end date: 31 December 2023
Region: North America
Language: English
Lead institution: Edmonton Epilepsy Association
Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Principal investigator / organizer: Valeria Palladino, Executive Director
Patient age: Pediatric
Type of project: Community Education, Advocacy
Funding sources: Personal, Government, Private, Foundation
Project needs: Volunteers, Funding

Contact: Valeria Palladino, EEA