Neurosurgical interventions are the most efficient and, in the medium term, most cost-effective form of treatment with a very high chance of success for appropriate drug-resistant forms of epilepsy with a clearly localized focus of the seizure. The first epilepsy surgical interventions have already been carried out in Georgia, but the important components of follow-up care and tissue analysis could only be initiated and not continued due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The current aim is therefore to build on the successful first phase of the previous project, to continue the efforts that have been started and to strengthen the projects sustainability. The project therefore focuses on the on-site monitoring of the interventions with an extended group of patients, the support of the tissue analysis, and the follow-up care of the patients including EEG analysis with regard to residual pathogenic activities.
Start date: 1 August 2021 | Proposed end date: 31 July 2023
Region: Europe
Languages: English, German, Georgian
Lead institutions: Caucasus Medical Centre and Institute of Neurology and Neuropsychology
Location: Tbilisi, Georgia
Principal investigator / organizer: Tengis Gloveli
Patient age: Adult
Type of project: Clinical
Funding sources: Foundation
Project needs: Extended group of patients for epilepsy surgery
Contact: Tengis Gloveli and Vladimir Tsikarishvili