Date: 20 – 27 July 2024
Location: Danish Epilepsy Centre in Dianalund, Denmark
Language: English
The 6th ILAE School on Advanced EEG and Epilepsy in Dianalund (DSSEE6) is practically-oriented, with many hands-on sessions, and it is highly interactive. It is not for beginners: applicants must have at least 6 months training and experience with clinical EEG.
The main idea of the course is to bridge the gap between epileptologists and neurophysiologists. Therefore, topics both in the realm of signal analysis and topics related to seizure semiology and clinical significance of EEG findings will be covered.
The theoretical presentations (in the morning) will be supplemented by EEG-reading sessions, where the participants will be guided through video-EEG samples by the tutors. The last day of the course will be dedicated to discussion of difficult cases brought by the participants.